Quote of the Week
“Dear optimist, pessimist, and realist – while you guys were busy arguing about the glass of wine, I drank it! Sincerely, the opportunist!”
Lori Greiner (Inventor, Entrepreneur, and Television Personality)
WBENCPitch Pivot A Virtual Pitch Competition
WBENC is providing more than $100,000 in grants and prize money
to women-owned businesses in 2020!
WBENCPitch Pivot is designed to highlight women entrepreneurs who have pivoted their businesses and stepped outside of the box to create or offer products, services, and solutions that fill supply chain gaps during the COVID-19 crisis. Applications are open now through Friday, June 5, 2020.
Best Practices for Reopening Your Business
A Michigan Women’s Marketplace Webinar featuring
Alari K. Adams
Founder | A|Squared Legal Group
The legal questions about reopening YOUR business will be answered!
To register, visit Michigan Women’s Marketplace!
Friday, June 5th | 3 PM
ASE’s COVID-19 Employer FAQs |
The American Society of Employers has graciously curated a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) from Michigan employers in regards to reopening their businesses.
Sponsor Appreciation
Great Lakes WBC thanks AAA for joining us on last week’s Virtual WBE Forum!
During April and May AAA generously offered a 20% refund to their members.
We are proud to be associated with such generous and flexible corporate partners.