WEupdates – 2021: WBE Goals, WBE Success

February 11, 2021
• Women-Owned Goals Roundup
• WBE Invited to Target’s Black-Owned Business Fair
• Ascent by the SBA
• Benita Tyler Promoted to CEED Lending
• execWE: Save the Date
• #MIWomen

Thank you to all of the WBEs that shared their 2021 personal and business goals.

Here are just a few of the WBE responses:

‘…Get Recertified, get a purchase order from Amazon and Ford Motor Company.’

‘Our goals for 2021 are to integrate a booking system into our website. We also want to create and implement a virtual employee training module, and finally, we want to expand our Mobile operations to Arizona, Texas, and Florida!’

‘My goal for 2021 is to triple both revenue and profit for the third year in a row.’

Our women are persistent, resilient, and driven, and we know you all will TRIUMPH!

WBE, and Owner of Amarra Naturals, Tiffany Cartwright, was recently invited to Target’s Black-Owned Business Fair

At this event, Tiffany Cartwright, Owner of Amarra Naturals will share her products with Target team members and obtain advice and insight on effectively doing business with large retailers. Great Lakes WBC is pleased to share our member’s success and help Tiffany build her business over the years. She truly exemplifies resilience! Congratulations to her and her smooth, fantastic brand. 

SBA Offers Free Training Through Ascent

A reminder that the Small Business Administration has launched their free digital learning platform, Ascent, for Women-Owned Small Businesses! Ascent has valuable content such as tips on preparing and recovering from disasters, strategic marketing, and business financial strategy development.

Congratulations to Benita Tyler for being promoted to Loan Client Success Coordinator!

We are tremendously excited to have Benita join our CEED Lending initiative. She brings a passion and knowledge of business finance that puts her in a league of her own! 

Save the Date:

execWE: The Power of WE | Coming, Working, and Rising Together

The Women’s Business Center presents a power-packed virtual executive education for women business owners on March 24, 2021. At this leadership event, attendees will learn from the experiences of women business owners who embrace the power of WE. Join us to see how the power of WE: coming, working, and rising together can help your business grow. 

The COVID-19 Recovery Program is designed to help women-owned businesses that were negatively affected by the economic lockdowns. In conjunction with the Michigan Women’s Marketplace, we continue to offer free virtual events each week that offer resources, advice, and tools to get your business back on track!

Please help us spread the word about these powerful webinars by following and using the hashtag #MIWomen on Facebook and LinkedIn. This will help get assistance to WBEs that need the resources! 

We thank you for your help. 


WBE Exclusive Offerings

WBE Toolkit – ‘I’ve been certified, but can I do more!?’

April 13 (9 AM) | Register to Attend

WBE Onboarding – ‘I’m newly certified, but now what!?’

March 12 (11 AM) | Register Here
April 9 (11 AM) | Register Here


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