January 8, 2024 CHAMPIONING SMALL BUSINESS MICHIGAN | GREAT LAKES WOMEN’S BUSINESS COUNCIL CCT Interview with Great Lakes WBC Founder & Executive Director Michelle Richards discusses their 40-year anniversary
November 6, 2023 Congratulations to K-Tec Systems and Lavender Mobile Spa for being finalists in the WBENC Pitch contest. Two Great Lakes WBEs will compete at the 2023 WBENCpitch virtual competition on November 1 and 2. Register Now!
August 15, 2023 Small business loan program for women entrepreneurs – CEED Lending CEED Lending affiliate of Great Lakes Women's Business Council | Loans range from $25,000 to $200,000. Fox 2 exposé.
July 18, 2023 Michigan Chocolate Shop Named A Best In The Country Great Lakes Women's Business Council Bon Bon Bon makes Bon Bon Bons in Hamtramck, the heart of Detroit, Michigan
July 18, 2023 Spotlight on the News: Oakland County small business loans & Detroit Bookfest (wxyz.com) Spotlight on the News will focus on Oakland County small businesses | Belinda Tuner-DuBois, Lending Manager, CEED Lending
June 5, 2023 Toyota Outstanding Business Partner of the Year Award Aristeo Construction was honored as Toyota's top indirect supplier, having received the 2022 Outstanding Business Partner Award
June 2, 2023 CEED Lending Pitch ‘N Pontiac CEED Lending Pitch 'N Pontiac Start- Up Business $30,000 and Existing Business $30,000 & Peoples Choice $30,000 winners
May 5, 2023 CEED Lending Pitch ‘N Pontiac press release CEED Lending Pitch 'N Pontiac Announces the 2023 Pitch 'N Pontiac Winners. Congratulations to the two winners!
May 2, 2023 Gov. Whitmer Proclaims Small Business Week in Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer acknowledged the contributions of entrepreneurs with the proclamation of Small Business Week, April 30 – May 6.
April 27, 2023 Amy Peterson | Rebel Nell Amy’s entrepreneurial spirit and passion for helping others lead her to co-founding one of her greatest accomplishments,