Virtual DTE Northern Supplier Meet & Greet

Pure Michigan Business Connect (PMBC), in partnership with DTE and a regional economic development partner group, is hosting a virtual event on Tuesday, August 10, providing Northern Michigan suppliers with an opportunity to learn how to do business with DTE.  The event will include a webinar with an overview of becoming a DTE supplier, followed by pre-scheduled one-on-one buyer-supplier meetings to discuss procurement opportunities.  DTE is looking for businesses with a broad range of products and services. A supplier application for one-on-one meetings is separate from general webinar registration; not all suppliers will be selected for meetings but are encouraged to apply. Procurement categories and opportunities are listed in the application. The application is now open.

Event Details


Aug 10, 2021
Aug 10, 2021


9:00 am – 1:00 pm


Virtual, anywhere you have WiFi