National Arab American Heritage Month Commemoration

by Arab America Foundation

In April of each year, the Arab America Foundation hosts a national event in Washington DC commemorating During the month of April, the Arab America Foundation formally recognizes the achievements of Arab Americans through the celebration of National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM). Across the country, cultural institutions, school districts, municipalities, state legislatures, public servants, and non-profit organizations issue proclamations and engage in special events that celebrate our community’s rich heritage and numerous contributions to society.

April 27, 2022 Event in Washington DC

Information and and Tickets Here

Discounted Hotel Reservations $189 per Night Here

Sponsorship Information Here

National Press Release Here

History Channel Press Release Here

Event Details


Apr 27, 2022
Apr 27, 2022


5:30 pm – 9:00 pm


Middle East Institute 1763 N Street Northwest Washington, DC 20036

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