For WBEs | IMMEL Invitation to Bid


You have been invited to bid:
WEC Energy Group Rice Lake, WI Office Remodel

Bid Due Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 12:00 PM CT
Project Location: 104 W. South St, Rice Lake, WI 54868
Project Start Date: Tue, Jan 02, 2024
Project End Date: Fri, Jun 14, 2024

The project intends to renovate approximately 4,580 square feet of existing interior office space to upgrade the facility to WEC’s current design and furniture standards. No building additions are anticipated, although a new partially enclosed breezeway connector will be constructed between the existing office building and existing detached garage for sheltered access. The mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems have been deemed past their useful life and will be upgraded.

Please email all questions to Steve Hucek at

Message to Bidders:
All bids submitted must be per plans, specifications and addendum. By submitting a bid, the contractor is committing all necessary resources to meet milestone dates and achieve substantial completion of construction as stated in the contract documents at the bid price quoted regardless of weather conditions. You are also accepting the terms of Howard Immel Inc.’s standard contract, including but not limited to insurance, indemnification requirements, and safety. These documents can be downloaded from the Immel Default Documents folder. You may not attach your quote, any clarification or exclusions to a contract sent to you by Howard Immel Inc. All bids must be held for a minimum of 35 Days.

Please send all quotes to

Event Details